Service Videos

Service videos and their corresponding worship folders should appear on this page within five minutes of the beginning of the service. If you do not see the service you are looking for, you may need to refresh the page.

July 21, 2024 - NinTH Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin - 2024 Pentecost 9 (DS 1 Proper 11B 072124).pdf

July 14, 2024 - EighTH Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin - 2024 Pentecost 8 (DS 4 Proper 10B 071424).pdf

July 7, 2024 - SevenTH Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin - 2024 Pentecost 7 (DS 1 Proper 9B 070724).pdf

June 30, 2024 - SixTH Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin - 2024 Pentecost 6 (DS 1 Proper 8B 063024).pdf

An archive of all our service videos is available on our YouTube Channel.